Ready to Transition?


If you’re an outdoor exerciser— a walker, Nordic walker, runner or cyclist—the change of seasons signals that it’s time to switch over to a new workout wardrobe.

Here in Toronto, the sun is just a little warmer, and the snowbanks have almost melted away. But there’s still a chill in the air.

What to wear, what to wear

Take my advice. Ditch the bulky down coat and multiple layers that got you through winter so well.

Your new best friend is a light down vest.

It will provide a wind break and keep your core cozy.

At the same time it will free up your arms and armpits to help avoid the build up of too much heat and perspiration.

If you’re a Nordic walker, the sleeveless design is perfect because it lets your arms swing freely from the shoulders. Bulky jackets, cross-the-body purses and backpacks can all limit your shoulder movement making it tricky to use your poles properly.

Go shopping

Of course, you really should have at least two down vests:

  • A slightly puffier one is perfect for cold days when worn under or over a light jacket in the winter.

  • A light down vest over a thin sweater or T-shirt is ideal for spring and fall. It’s also great for layering under winter coats.

  • An extra-light vest is excellent for holidays in places where the temperature might suddenly dip. Look for the type that comes in a tiny pouch that occupies almost no room in a suitcase, pocket or backpack.

  • You can buy them just about anywhere. Uniqlo has lost of options at reasonable prices, and MEC always has a good variety.

The big question: What colour for your new spring vest?

I suggest going for something bright and cheery to express your joy at finally shedding those heavy winter layers.

Barb Gormley

Barb Gormley is a Toronto, Canada, Nordic walking instructor and master trainer, virtual group exercise instructor, and author.